Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 1...

Come on, everyone's doing it...

Okay, so here goes. Day 1, I decided to create a blog today. More to motivate myself than to really let anyone know what I am doing but here goes. Got a good work out in with friends, ate a pretty decent paleo breakfast, actually created the blog. My intention is to shrink, a LOT. So eat less, move more, that ought to do it.

Starting weight, a WHOPPING 240 pounds. I am a prime candidate for one of those weight loss reality shows but have no intention of leaving my kids, plus, I am not that emotionally screwed up. I would really like to be a size 10. Whatever weight that puts me at, who knows. I am currently a size 20. So I figure 15 pounds per size ought to put me at around 165. WOW, that sounds good to me. (I am 5'10" so I think I would wear 165 pounds really well.)

Here's the rules....

1. I will not weight myself daily, maybe every 3 or 4 days.
2. I will mak the best effor to eat a lot more salad, veggies and lean meat and a lot less processed food, grains and garbage.
3. I will do some sort of excercise every day. Crossfit WOD, walking, rowing, doesn't matter, just something.

That's it, short and sweet.

I am not putting a timeframe on it because I know this is all just a lifestyle change. It should go on FOREVER. I promise I will not blog about it forever. When I hit my target and maintain it for a while, I will probably shut the whole thing down.

So here goes...

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