Monday, August 30, 2010

39 Minutes

So my group of workout buddies came over today and worked out. It was long and grueling, but we all made it through, me in 39 minutes. It started with a 1 K row followed by 40 each of pushups, box jumps, situps, back extensions, jump rope, jumping jacks, sumo dead lift high pulls (check Crossfit websight to see what this is), shoulder presses, air squats, wall balls (refer to crossfit) and burpees.

Ahhh, burpees. This excercise is just plain hard. I really dont like doing them, but since I come up with the workouts I cant complain too much. But they really are a true test of how fit you are. Me... not so fit.

This workout schedule has been really good for me. It keeps me on track and really forces me to challenge myself. I sweat for 39 minutes today, and it's not even hot out. This might be the most effective day of workiong out so far. I feel like I worked my whole body, head to toe.  I can't do too many of these long workouts or my group will stop coming over.

The group dynamic is really good. everyone knows each other from various places and we all get along. I am hoping that more people start coming over to participate. It's really nice to have support and to have various levels of fit people together. It brings a nice balance of competition and friendship to the workout.

As far as the Shrinking, can't tell. I'm not really feeling it this week. I still haven't weighed myself, too scared.  My clothes haven't gotten any bigger yet (but they are not any smaller either, haha), but I feel good. Even when I am sore everyday from working out. I think the feeling good part is pretty important. I have to get going on the shrinking though because I will never get into that size 14 dress by Christmas if I don't. 
Hmmm, I think I will have to step back and really make some adjustments somewhere.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Week 1

Well so far so good. I think I have lost a couple pounds. It's most certainley water, since it has been over 100 degrees in Corona all week, but hey, its weight. I haven't weighed myself, but I FEEL smaller. Hmph. Anyway, I was not perfect with the food this week, I had pizza in moderation (1 slice with 2 platefuls of salad) and chocolate (3 Musketeers has 1/3 less fat than other candy bars, yeah right) but overall not the worst week of eating I have had.

I have gotten on a schedule of working out with friends on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and it seems to be a really good thing. They come to my house which means I have to actually workout. The off days were hard to drag myself off the couch but I did it and worked out every day this week.

I was looking at some pictures this past weekend and it was very eye opening. I have been fat for a very long time, like 1/3 of my life. It makes me a little sad that I have done this and I hope that whatever damage I have done to my body by being overweight can be reversed, even partially.

So I had a garage sale this past Saturday and one of the things I was trying to sell, that I didn't sell, is a black cocktail dress size 14. I bought it years ago and it was a little small when I got it, and I always intended to "lose some weight". The dress is very pretty and I am thinking, maybe if I can fit into it by Christmas my husband can take me to his department Christmas party.  I think that will be my first goal.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 1...

Come on, everyone's doing it...

Okay, so here goes. Day 1, I decided to create a blog today. More to motivate myself than to really let anyone know what I am doing but here goes. Got a good work out in with friends, ate a pretty decent paleo breakfast, actually created the blog. My intention is to shrink, a LOT. So eat less, move more, that ought to do it.

Starting weight, a WHOPPING 240 pounds. I am a prime candidate for one of those weight loss reality shows but have no intention of leaving my kids, plus, I am not that emotionally screwed up. I would really like to be a size 10. Whatever weight that puts me at, who knows. I am currently a size 20. So I figure 15 pounds per size ought to put me at around 165. WOW, that sounds good to me. (I am 5'10" so I think I would wear 165 pounds really well.)

Here's the rules....

1. I will not weight myself daily, maybe every 3 or 4 days.
2. I will mak the best effor to eat a lot more salad, veggies and lean meat and a lot less processed food, grains and garbage.
3. I will do some sort of excercise every day. Crossfit WOD, walking, rowing, doesn't matter, just something.

That's it, short and sweet.

I am not putting a timeframe on it because I know this is all just a lifestyle change. It should go on FOREVER. I promise I will not blog about it forever. When I hit my target and maintain it for a while, I will probably shut the whole thing down.

So here goes...