Saturday, September 4, 2010

Amp it Up

So my husband and his buddies did this really long and intense workout today. It was fun and motivating to watch.

I have shrunk by 5 pounds, which is less than I was hoping for, so I think it's time to amp up my workouts. So far they have been pretty good, but I think they need to be a little harder, a little longer and I think the running/jogging/walking I have been doing 2 days a week needs to increase by a day, and probably in duration as well. More laps, more running in the laps. ( I walk when I get tired, need to start pushing through the tired) Maybe even throw in a row every night as well. Just a 1K or 2K to keep the heart pumping and the metabolism going.  It would be nice to be able to get to where I can do one of my husbands crazy workouts.

The changes in the diet have been very evident. I feel better, more energy, less sluggish, but I have cheated a few times and I think the cheating is probably the reason I haven't shrunk more. So, that will be my other adjustment. NO CHEATING! Starting Monday. Sorry, my baby's 1st birthday party is tomorrow and I am having a burger and a piece of cake.  I am also trying to quit Diet Coke. I am not quittng cold turkey becasue I cannot handle the headaches, but I am slowing way down. Should take about a week or so and I can be off it. I have done it before, so it's not impossible.

Well, that will be all for today.

Talk to y'all in a few days. Maybe I will have shrunk a little more.

1 comment:

  1. Louise,
    You're awesome...push yourself harder, beat your own time, compete against yourself! I am so freaking proud of you and blessed to be apart of this journey...You're not in this alone, I am right there with you!
